Why a Level 2 Electrician Is All You Really Need

In Australia, there are three different levels of accreditation for electricians. It might stand to reason that an electrician rated at level 3 would be the most competent for all types of jobs but in reality level three are a specialised type of electrician that doesn't focus on residential problems. That leaves level 1 and 2 electricians, who both primarily work in residential and small commercial projects. Based on your projects, which level electrician should you hire? Here, you can learn how a level 2 electrician can assist you.

What Is Wrong with a Level 1 Electrician?

There is nothing inherently wrong with a level 1 accredited electrician and for many tasks, they will suit you just fine. There is a crucial difference between a level 1 and level 2 electrician: only a level 2 electrician can install new electrical systems on a site. Level 1 electricians can repair and tweak existing systems, extend them and work on projects like installing electrical poles but they cannot lay out a new system. Many level 1 rated electricians eventually go on to get their level 2 accreditation for this reason. 

The Benefits of a Level 2 Electrician

There are many advantages to hiring a level 2 electrician over a level 1, including:

  • Disconnect and reconnect power to your property. This is helpful for families moving out or into a new home.
  • Connection and installation of a new power supply for brand new homes.
  • Install meters that are required by law to measure your electrical usage for billing.

The reason a level 2 electrician can do this extra work is that they have additional safety training to understand how to deal with a live power situation. After all, this would be an extremely dangerous profession if there was not the level of regulations currently in place. 

Can a Level 2 Electrician Carry Out Regular Electrical Repairs?

Repair work, troubleshooting and replacing already installed components is bread and butter to any electrician. A level 2 electrician has more experience than a level 1 meaning they are less likely to make a mistake, which is another benefit to selectively searching for them over a level 1. Also sometimes a small problem turns out to be the symptom of a much larger electrical problem. If that happens then you want a level 2 electrician to be the one on the case from the beginning to streamline the process and get you back on track faster. 

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Electrical Problems and How to Fix Them

Welcome! On this blog you're going to discover lots of really cool info which will help you to recognise the signs of various electrical problems. You will also find accompanying articles which will help you to repair them. We will also look at the occasions when it is best to leave the wires and circuit boards alone and call in a professional contractor. We aren't professionals but you can rest easy knowing that we have done lots and lots of research into the topics we write about here. Thank you for taking the time to check out the articles on this website.

