All You Need To Know About Solar System Installation

Many Australians are slowly embracing the use of a solar system to supply their electricity needs. Solar system installation does not only translate to savings in energy bills, but it is also backed with government subsidies. If you are still unsure about whether or not you should try out solar technology, this overview will help you make up your mind.

What Are The Components Of A Solar System?

A solar installation is made up of three components: solar panels, an inverter, and the mountings. Solar panels can be monocrystalline or polycrystalline. The most important thing is not whether you have a mono or poly panel, but the brand you are buying. Look for a long-lasting brand that comes with a warranty.

The other component of a solar system is an inverter. The standard inverters are string and micro-inverters. String inverters are installed on your wall, and all the panels connect to it. Micro-inverters go behind each panel. Another option is power optimisers. These are hybrid inverters that offer both the benefits of string and micro-inverters. Inverters convert DC power from the panels into AC electricity which powers all your house appliances.

The other component of a solar system is the mountings. It is what the solar panels are installed on. The mounting is attached to your roof support. There are many racking brands in the market. These brands are distinguished by the price per kilowatt of power installed.

What Are The Benefits Of A Solar System Installation?    

One of the most important benefits of solar panels besides reducing your carbon footprint is that you will be generating free power from the sun. This translates to lower electricity bills. Furthermore, solar power supports all electrical gadgets making it the ideal alternative to electricity.

Australia's government has a solar credit scheme that provides thousands of dollars for purchasing and installing solar panels. Therefore, you get to pay subsidised fees for solar panels and installation services. Additionally, the Feed-In Tariff Scheme will pay you for any surplus energy you produce and do not use.

Summing It Up

Solar system installation is the future for household power in Australia. Before installing solar panels, consult a professional about what is best suited for you based on your electricity needs. Your solar systems professional will educate you on solar panel brands, inverters, and mountings. There are many benefits of solar power from making considerable savings in electricity bills to getting paid for the surplus energy you produce.  

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