Four Things to Check Before Arranging an Antenna Repair

Sometimes it is obvious that your TV antenna needs to be repaired. Perhaps it has fallen over or is displaying clear signs of physical damage. On other occasions, the fault could be more subtle and you might not immediately associate any TV reception problems that you are experiencing with an antenna fault. Determining whether you need an antenna repair or whether the problem is elsewhere in your system can be quite straightforward; it just takes a little planning. Here are four things that you should check before deciding that you need to book an antenna repair.

Look at the antenna

It may seem obvious, but it is important to start with the basics. Is the antenna still on your roof? Is it still firmly attached and pointing in the same direction as the antennas on neighbouring roofs? If the antenna has moved due to interference by weather or wildlife, then you may need to point it back in the right direction to improve your television reception.

Is the TV connection correct?

If the antenna looks fine, then consider how it is connected to your television. Is the connector firmly connected to the television? If you can, try plugging in the antenna to a different television to see whether the new television can receive a signal through the antenna. This should tell you whether you need to book an antenna repair or whether the fault is connected with your television instead.

Are the cables in good condition?

Electrical cables can be susceptible to damage. They can be snapped or accidentally cut. They can also be chewed by rodents, resulting in a complete loss of signal to your television. Before calling in an antenna repair company, you should take the time to visually inspect every cable connecting your television to your antenna. They should be pushed firmly into place and they should be in good physical condition. If you have any doubts, then try swapping out a cable for a spare one and see if that resolves the problem.

Is the television properly tuned?

When you suddenly lose the ability to receive any television channels, then the fault could be in the television tuning unit. It is always worth rescanning to see whether your television has somehow reset to default tuning. By using the autotune function to scan for all your channels again, you may be able to solve the problem without calling for professional assistance.

To learn more about antenna repair, contact a company like Canberra Communications.

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Electrical Problems and How to Fix Them

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